How to fix Win32 0x000006D5 Error? RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x000006D5 Error? RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x000006D5 Error? RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 11, 2024

Fixing Win32 Error 0x000006D5 (RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY)

The error code 0x000006D5 translates to RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY. This error message indicates that the RPC call failed because the authentication identity provided by the client was considered invalid or unacceptable by the server.

Understanding Authentication Identity in RPC:

  • In RPC communication, authentication mechanisms are used to verify the identity of the client application or user trying to access the server.
  • The client typically presents its identity (credentials) to the server as part of the authentication process.
  • The RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY error occurs when the server rejects the client’s provided credentials due to various reasons.


There are a couple of reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Incorrect Credentials: The client might be using incorrect credentials (username, password, or token) for authentication.
  • Expired Credentials: The credentials used by the client might have expired and are no longer valid for authentication on the server.
  • Account Lockout (less common): In some cases, if the server enforces account lockout policies, repeated failed login attempts using invalid credentials could lock the account, preventing further access.
  • Insufficient Privileges (less common): The credentials used by the client might have insufficient privileges to access the specific RPC service or resource on the server.


  1. Verify Client Credentials:

    • Double-check the username, password, or token being used by the client application for authentication. Ensure they are correct and typed accurately.
  2. Check Credential Validity:

    • If the credentials involve passwords or tokens, make sure they haven’t expired. Update or renew them if necessary following the server’s authentication policies.
  3. Server Administrator Communication (if possible):

    • If possible, communicate with the server administrator to check if there are any account lockout policies in place and if the client account might be locked.
  4. Review Required Privileges:

    • Consult program documentation or with the server administrator to determine the necessary privileges for accessing the RPC service. Ensure the client credentials possess the required permissions.
  5. Software Vendor Support:

    • If the issue persists, consider contacting the software vendor’s support for the program or service. They might have insights into specific authentication requirements or troubleshooting steps for their software.
  6. Client Configuration Review (if applicable):

    • In some scenarios, the client application might be configured to use specific credentials. Verify that the configuration is correct and points to valid credentials.

Additional Tips:

  • Some RPC development tools or libraries might offer functionalities to manage or inspect credentials used for authentication in RPC calls.
  • Debuggers or logging mechanisms can help capture details about the authentication attempt and any error messages related to invalid authentication identities.

By understanding the role of authentication identity in RPC and the reasons behind invalid identity errors, you can identify the cause of the server rejecting the client’s credentials. Verifying credentials, checking validity, communicating with the server administrator (if possible), reviewing required privileges, contacting software vendor support, and reviewing client configuration (if applicable) can help address this error.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 11, 2024
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