How to fix Win32 0x000006DE Error? RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x000006DE Error? RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x000006DE Error? RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 19, 2024

Fixing Win32 Error 0x000006DE (RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED)

The error code 0x000006DE translates to RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED. This error message indicates that the RPC call failed because not all the objects or interfaces specified by the client were available for remote access on the server.

Understanding Object/Interface Export in RPC:

  • In RPC (Remote Procedure Calls), servers can expose functionalities through interfaces. These interfaces might contain multiple objects (methods or functions) that clients can invoke remotely.
  • For an interface or object to be accessible via RPC, it needs to be explicitly exported by the server. This allows the server to control which functionalities are available remotely.
  • The RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED error occurs when the client tries to access an object or interface that is not exported on the server.


There are a couple of reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Incorrect Client-Side Definition: The client code might be using outdated or incorrect definitions of the interface or objects. These definitions might include functionalities that are no longer exported by the server.
  • Server-Side Configuration Changes: If the server administrator recently made changes to the exported interfaces or objects, the client might be unaware of the update and still attempt to access unexported functionalities.
  • Versioning Mismatch (less common): In scenarios where interfaces have versions, a version mismatch between the client and server could lead to the client trying to access objects that don’t exist in the server’s version.


  1. Review Client-Side Code:

    • Examine the part of your client code responsible for making the RPC call. Verify that it uses the correct definitions for the interface and objects you’re trying to access.
  2. Consult Program Documentation:

    • Refer to the documentation for the program or service you’re trying to access remotely. It should specify the interfaces and objects that are currently exported for RPC access.
  3. Server Administrator Communication (if possible):

    • If possible, communicate with the server administrator to confirm the list of exported interfaces and objects. This can help identify discrepancies with the client-side definitions.
  4. Update Client Software (if applicable):

    • Consider updating the client software to the latest version. This might ensure it uses the most recent definitions of exported functionalities on the server.
  5. Software Vendor Support:

    • If the issue persists, consider contacting the software vendor’s support for the program or service. They might have insights into compatible interface/object definitions or troubleshooting steps for their software.

Additional Tips:

  • Some RPC development tools or libraries might offer functionalities to browse or introspect exported interfaces and objects on the server.
  • Debuggers or logging mechanisms can help capture details about the requested objects or interfaces in the RPC call and any error messages related to unexported functionalities.

By understanding the concept of object/interface export in RPC and the reasons behind unexported object/interface errors, you can identify the cause of the incompatibility. Reviewing client-side code, consulting program documentation, communicating with the server administrator (if possible), updating client software (if applicable), and contacting software vendor support can help address this error.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 19, 2024
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