How to fix Win32 0x00000048 Error – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x00000048 Error – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x00000048 Error?

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mohammad-almais Changed status to publish March 29, 2024

The error code 0x00000048 translates to “CANCEL_STATE_IN_COMPLETED_IRP” on Windows systems. This error indicates a problem with how a device driver interacts with the system. Here’s a breakdown for both programmers and regular users:

For Regular Users:

This error signifies a communication issue between a device driver and the Windows system. A driver is a program that allows your computer to interact with hardware devices like printers, network cards, etc.

Here’s a simplified explanation of what might be happening:

  • The driver sends a request (IRP – Input/Output Request Packet) to the system to perform an operation on a device.
  • The system completes the request successfully.
  • However, the driver then tries to cancel the request, even though it’s already finished.

This unexpected cancellation attempt can cause the system to crash or behave erratically.

What can you do?

  1. Update Windows and Drivers: The most common solution is to update your Windows system and all device drivers to the latest versions. Outdated or buggy drivers can sometimes cause this error. You can update them through the Settings app or Device Manager in Windows.

  2. Restart Your Computer: A simple restart can sometimes resolve temporary glitches that might be causing the error.

  3. Safe Mode: If you’re encountering the error frequently, try booting your computer into Safe Mode. Safe Mode loads only essential drivers. If the error doesn’t occur in Safe Mode, it suggests a problem with a non-essential driver. You can then try to identify the problematic driver and update or disable it (if possible) to see if the error resolves.

  4. Seek Technical Help: If none of the basic troubleshooting steps work, consider seeking help from a qualified technician who can diagnose the issue and identify the problematic driver.

For Programmers:

The CANCEL_STATE_IN_COMPLETED_IRP error indicates a bug within the driver’s code. The driver might be issuing a cancel request for an IRP that has already been completed.

  • Driver Code Analysis: Analyze the driver code to identify where it cancels IRPs. Look for situations where the driver might be canceling requests regardless of their completion status.
  • Driver Updates: Check if there are updates available for the driver from the manufacturer’s website. These updates might contain bug fixes that address the cancellation issue.

Additional Considerations:

  • Modifying or replacing system drivers can be risky if done incorrectly. It’s recommended to proceed with caution or seek professional help if you’re not comfortable with driver troubleshooting.
  • While less likely, hardware problems with the device itself can also contribute to this error in rare cases. If updating drivers and troubleshooting don’t resolve the issue, a technician can perform hardware diagnostics to rule out equipment problems.

Remember: Keeping your system and drivers updated can help prevent encountering such errors. If you suspect a driver issue and are not comfortable troubleshooting yourself, seeking professional help is a good option.

mohammad-almais Changed status to publish March 29, 2024