How to fix Win32 0x000000AD Error? – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x000000AD Error? – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x000000AD Error?

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Fixodes Changed status to publish April 8, 2024

The error code 0x000000AD is associated with two possible scenarios depending on the context:


This is the most documented meaning of 0x000000AD. It refers to the bug check message “VIDEO_DRIVER_DEBUG_REPORT_REQUEST” in Windows. This indicates that the video driver created a non-fatal minidump file on behalf of itself during runtime.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Minidump: A minidump is a smaller version of a full system dump that contains essential information about the system state at the time of the error.
  • Video Driver: The video driver is a software program that allows your operating system to communicate with your graphics card and display information on your screen.
  • Debug Report: In this context, the debug report refers to the minidump file created by the video driver.

This bug check is typically not a critical issue for regular users and doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem with your system’s functionality. It’s primarily used by developers and programmers for debugging purposes.

2. CHIP Error 0x000000AD (Less Likely):

There have been some reports of this error code appearing in the context of the CHIP smart home protocol ( In this case, the error message might be “CHIP Error 0x000000AD: Open file failed.”

How to proceed:

For most users (Scenario 1):

Since the error code 0x000000AD (VIDEO_DRIVER_DEBUG_REPORT_REQUEST) is not a critical issue for regular use, you likely don’t need to take any specific action. The minidump file might be helpful for developers investigating video driver behavior, but it’s not relevant for everyday operation.

For Developers:

If you’re a developer working on video drivers or encountering this error code while debugging graphics-related issues, you can refer to Microsoft documentation for bug check codes to understand how to analyze the minidump file generated by the video driver.

For CHIP Error (Scenario 2 – Less Likely):

If you’re encountering this error code specifically related to the CHIP protocol, searching online forums or communities for discussions about “CHIP Error 0x000000AD” might be helpful. You can also refer to the CHIP project website or documentation for troubleshooting steps related to the CHIP protocol.


The meaning of 0x000000AD depends on the context. For most users encountering it in Windows, it’s a non-critical video driver debug report. If you’re a developer, you can use the minidump file for analysis. In the less likely scenario of a CHIP protocol error, refer to CHIP project resources.

Fixodes Changed status to publish April 8, 2024
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