How to fix Win32 0x00000564 Error? ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x00000564 Error? ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x00000564 Error? ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED

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Fixodes Selected answer as best April 26, 2024

I previously addressed the error code Win32 0x00000564 (ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED) in response to your query on April 26, 2024. Here’s that information again, in case it’s helpful:

Error Code: Win32 0x00000564 (ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED)

Error Description: This error indicates an issue with a process attempting to impersonate another user’s security context. Impersonation allows a program or process to temporarily assume the identity of another user, typically for administrative tasks or accessing resources restricted to specific user accounts. However, the error message signifies that the impersonation attempt was not successful.

Common Causes:

  • Insufficient Privileges: The process trying to impersonate another user might lack the necessary privileges (like SeImpersonatePrivilege) to do so.
  • Incorrect Impersonation Level: There are different impersonation levels with varying degrees of access. The process might be attempting a level exceeding its privileges.
  • Target User Account Disabled or Locked: The user account that the process is trying to impersonate might be disabled or locked, preventing impersonation.
  • Corrupted Security Descriptor (Less Likely): In rare cases, a corrupted security descriptor on the target user account could lead to impersonation failures.

Troubleshooting Steps (Limited Options):

Resolving impersonation errors effectively often requires understanding the program or process involved and the target user account. Due to the security implications of impersonation, it’s advisable to proceed with caution. Here’s what you can generally do:

  • Identify the Program: The first step is to determine the program or process that encountered the impersonation error. This will help narrow down the potential causes.
  • Review Program Functionality: Consider the program’s intended purpose. Does it have a legitimate reason to impersonate another user? If not, it could be malicious software.
  • Verify Program Permissions (if applicable): If it’s a program you trust, check its documentation or consult your system administrator to understand its required privileges for impersonation.
  • System Administrator Involvement (Recommended): Involving your system administrator is generally recommended for impersonation-related issues. They have the expertise and access to analyze program behavior, user account permissions, and system security policies to determine the appropriate course of action.

Security Note:

  • Impersonation grants a process powerful access rights. Be cautious about granting impersonation privileges to programs. Only legitimate programs with a clear need for impersonation should be allowed to do so.

In Summary:

The Win32 0x00000564 error (ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED) indicates a failed attempt to impersonate another user. Due to security concerns, consult your system administrator for diagnosing the cause and determining safe approaches to user impersonation, if necessary. Remember, prioritize security and avoid unauthorized impersonation attempts.

Fixodes Selected answer as best April 26, 2024
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