How to fix Win32 0x0000058F Error? ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x0000058F Error? ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x0000058F Error? ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX

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Fixodes Selected answer as best April 26, 2024

The error code 0x0000058F translates to ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX. This error occurs in Windows programs when you try to use a function or message specifically designed for combo box controls on a window handle that belongs to a different type of window.

Understanding Combo Boxes:

Combo boxes are UI elements that combine an editable text input field with a drop-down list of options. Users can either type a value directly into the field or select an option from the list.


  • Incorrect Window Type: The most common cause is attempting to use a function or message meant for combo boxes on a window handle that references a regular window, button, or another control type.

  • Code Logic Errors: Mistakes in your code when identifying or handling window types can lead to this error.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Verify Window Type: Double-check the type of window you’re using. Is it a combo box created with a function like CreateWindowEx with the appropriate window style (e.g., CBS_DROPDOWN), or is it a different type of control?

  2. Review Function Documentation: Refer to the documentation for the specific function or message you’re using. The documentation will typically specify if it’s intended for combo box controls.

  3. Debug Window Handle: Use debugging tools to inspect the window handle you’re passing to the function. Ensure it indeed references a valid combo box control.

  4. Use Appropriate Functions: If you need to perform an action on a combo box, use functions designed for combo boxes (e.g., SendMessage with specific messages like CB_SETCURSEL, CB_GETLBTEXT). For regular windows, use functions appropriate for those window types.

  5. Refactor Code (if applicable): In some cases, you might need to refactor your code to handle different window types appropriately. This might involve checking the window type before using specific functions or creating the correct type of window for your needs.

Additional Tips:

  • Use meaningful variable names to differentiate between combo box and other window handles in your code to improve readability and avoid confusion.
  • Consider using different window creation functions with distinct names for combo boxes and other controls to make your code more explicit about window types.

By following these steps and understanding the distinction between combo boxes and other window types, you should be able to identify the mismatch that’s causing the ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX error and adjust your code to use the appropriate functions and window handles effectively.

Fixodes Selected answer as best April 26, 2024