How to fix Win32 0x00000599 Error? ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x00000599 Error? ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x00000599 Error? ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB

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Fixodes Selected answer as best April 26, 2024

The error code 0x00000599 translates to ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB. This error occurs in Windows programs when you attempt to use the LB_SETCURSEL message incorrectly with a list box control.

Understanding List Boxes and LB_SETCURSEL:

  • List boxes are UI elements that display a list of selectable items.
  • LB_SETCURSEL is a message used with SendMessage to set the currently selected item in a list box. It requires an integer argument that specifies the index of the item to select.


  • Incorrect Message: The most common cause is using the wrong message constant. While “SETCOUNT” might seem related to setting an item, the correct message for setting the selected item in a list box is LB_SETCURSEL.

  • Invalid Index: Even if you use LB_SETCURSEL, providing an invalid index value as an argument will also lead to this error. The index must be within the valid range of items in the list box (0 to number of items minus 1).

  • Code Errors: Mistakes in how you’re referencing message constants, constructing the index value, or calling SendMessage can cause this error.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Verify Message Constant: Double-check that you’re using the correct message constant, which is LB_SETCURSEL to set the selected item in a list box.

  2. Validate Index Value: Ensure the index value you’re passing as an argument to LB_SETCURSEL is valid. It should be within the range of available items in the list box. You can use the LB_GETCOUNT message to retrieve the number of items in the list box before setting the selection.

  3. Debug Function Call: Use debugging tools to inspect the message constant and the index value you’re passing to SendMessage. This can help identify if you’re accidentally sending the wrong message or an invalid index.

  4. Consult Documentation: Refer to the documentation for SendMessage and list box messages, specifically LB_SETCURSEL and potentially LB_GETCOUNT. The documentation will explain the expected arguments and usage of these messages.

  5. Review Code Logic: Examine how you’re determining the index value to set. Make sure you’re not accidentally exceeding the list box bounds or using an incorrect calculation to determine the desired item.

Additional Tips:

  • Use constants or well-defined variables to store message constants like LB_SETCURSEL. This improves code readability and reduces the risk of typos.
  • Consider using helper functions to encapsulate list box operations like setting the selected item. This can improve code organization and make error handling more manageable.

By following these steps and understanding the reasons behind the ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB error, you should be able to identify the issue with the message or the index value and fix your code to set the selected item in a list box correctly using LB_SETCURSEL with a valid index.

Fixodes Selected answer as best April 26, 2024
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