How to fix Win32 0x000005B2 Error? ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x000005B2 Error? ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x000005B2 Error? ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 2, 2024

Here’s the information on how to fix Win32 error 0x000005B2, ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED:


This error occurs in Windows programs when you attempt to install a specific type of hook that’s not supported for the target process or the functionality you’re trying to achieve.

Windows Hooks:

  • Hooks are a mechanism in Windows that allows programs to intercept messages or events sent to other windows or the system itself.
  • There are different types of hooks, each serving a specific purpose. Some common hook types include:
    • WH_KEYBOARD: Monitors keyboard messages (key presses and releases).
    • WH_MOUSE: Monitors mouse messages (clicks, moves, etc.).
    • WH_CALL WWH_CBT: Monitors various system events like window creation or destruction.


  • Unsupported Hook Type: The most common cause is trying to install a hook type that’s not allowed for the target process or functionality. For example, attempting to use a WH_KEYBOARD hook on a system-wide event (like window creation) might trigger this error.

  • Limited Hook Permissions: In some cases, a program might have limited permissions that restrict the types of hooks it can install. This can be due to security measures or limitations of the programming environment.

  • Code Errors: Mistakes in how you’re specifying the hook type or setting up the hook can lead to this error.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Verify Hook Type Compatibility: Consult the documentation for the SetWindowsHookEx function (used to install hooks) and ensure the hook type you’re using is compatible with the target process and the functionality you intend to achieve.

  2. Review Hook Permissions: If you’re working within a restricted environment, check if your program has the necessary permissions to install the desired hook type.

  3. Debug Hook Installation: Use debugging tools to inspect the arguments passed to SetWindowsHookEx, particularly the hook type parameter. This can help identify typos or incorrect values.

  4. Consider Alternative Approaches: Explore alternative methods to achieve your goal without relying on specific hook types. This might involve using different Windows API functions or mechanisms provided by your UI framework (if applicable).

  5. Consult Windows API Documentation: Refer to the documentation for SetWindowsHookEx and related functions to understand the supported hook types, their usage guidelines, and any potential permission requirements.

Additional Tips:

  • Use clear and descriptive variable names when working with hook types. This improves code readability and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Consider using higher-level libraries or frameworks that might provide abstractions for working with hooks, potentially simplifying hook management and reducing the chance of encountering this error.

By following these steps and understanding the reasons behind the ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED error, you can identify the incompatibility between the hook type and your target process or functionality. You can then adjust the hook type, explore alternative approaches, or ensure your program has the necessary permissions to install the desired hook.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 2, 2024