How to fix Win32 0x00000644 Error? ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x00000644 Error? ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x00000644 Error? ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 3, 2024

The error code you provided, 0x00000644, translates to ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND. This error indicates that the software installation process was suspended or paused for some reason.

Understanding Installation Suspension:

  • During software installation, there might be situations where the installer needs to pause the process and wait for user interaction or specific conditions to be met before continuing.


  • User Prompts: The installer might prompt the user for confirmation, additional information, or a license agreement acceptance before proceeding. If the user doesn’t respond to the prompt or cancels the installation, the process will be suspended.

  • Restart Required: In some cases, the installer might require a system restart to complete certain actions or register components. The suspension occurs until the user restarts the system.

  • Waiting for External Events: Occasionally, the installer might need to wait for external events like the completion of another service or the availability of a network resource before continuing.

  • Custom Action Pauses: As discussed with error 0x00000642, custom actions within the installer can be programmed to pause the installation and wait for specific conditions.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Review Installer Dialogs:

    • Check for any open dialog boxes or prompts from the installer that might be waiting for your response. Provide the necessary input or confirmation to resume the installation.
  2. System Restart:

    • If the installer message indicates a required restart, proceed with restarting your system and then relaunch the installation to see if it picks up where it left off.
  3. Investigate External Events:

    • If the error message mentions waiting for an external event, try to identify the event and address any potential delays. For instance, if it’s waiting for a service, ensure that service is running.
  4. Review Custom Actions (if applicable):

    • If you’re familiar with the software and its installation process, consult the documentation to understand if there are any custom actions that might be pausing the installation.
  5. Contact Software Vendor (if necessary):

    • If you’re unsure about the cause of the suspension or none of the above steps help, consider reaching out to the software vendor’s support for further guidance. They might be able to provide specific troubleshooting steps related to their software’s installation process.

Additional Tips:

  • When running an installation, pay attention to any on-screen prompts or messages from the installer to avoid accidentally suspending the process.
  • If the software offers a “resume installation” option after a suspension, use it to continue from where it left off instead of starting the installation over completely.

By understanding the reasons behind the ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND and following these steps, you can identify the cause of the pause and potentially resume or complete the software installation process.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 3, 2024