How to fix Win32 0x0000064B Error? ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x0000064B Error? ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x0000064B Error? ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 3, 2024

The error code you provided, 0x0000064B, translates to ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT. This error occurs in programs related to software installations or management and indicates that a required qualifier for a component is missing or invalid.

Understanding Component Qualifiers in Installations:

  • In some installer technologies (like Windows Installer – MSI files), components can have qualifiers. These are additional attributes that further specify a particular variation or version of the component.


  • The ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT error arises when the program encounters a reference to a component that includes a qualifier, but the qualifier itself is either missing or invalid.

Potential Causes of ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT:

  • Corrupted Installation Files: Damaged or incomplete installer files can lead to missing information about component qualifiers.
  • Incorrect Qualifier Syntax: The program might be using an incorrect format or syntax for the component qualifier, causing it to be seen as absent.
  • Custom Installer Issues: If you’re using a custom installer application, it might have bugs or compatibility issues that prevent it from handling component qualifiers correctly.
  • Modified Installation Source: In rare cases, if you’ve modified the original installation source files (e.g., edited the MSI file) and unintentionally removed references to component qualifiers, it could lead to this error.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Verify Installer Source:

    • Ensure you’re using the original, unmodified installer file or media source provided by the software vendor.
  2. Review Program Documentation:

    • Consult the program’s documentation to understand how component qualifiers are used during installation. This can help you identify the expected format or syntax for the qualifier.
  3. Check for Typos:

    • If you’re manually specifying the component with a qualifier, double-check for any typos or mistakes in the qualifier syntax.
  4. Repair the Program (if applicable):

    • Some programs offer a “repair” option within their uninstallers. This can attempt to fix corrupted installation files or missing information that might be causing the missing qualifier error.
  5. Reinstall the Program:

    • As a last resort, consider completely uninstalling the program (if possible) and then reinstalling it from a fresh download or media source. This can potentially replace corrupted files or restore missing component qualifier information.
  6. Contact Software Vendor (if necessary):

    • If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the software vendor’s support for further guidance. They might be aware of specific qualifier-related issues with their software’s installer.

Important Notes:

  • Modifying installer files (like MSIs) is generally not recommended for non-technical users. It can lead to unexpected behavior and errors.
  • If you’re dealing with complex software deployments or enterprise environments where installers might be customized, consult with an IT professional for assistance in resolving missing component qualifier errors.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep your Windows system updated with the latest patches, as updates can sometimes include fixes for installer-related issues or compatibility problems with component qualifiers.
  • If possible, try to identify the specific component and qualifier causing the error by reviewing the installer logs (if available). This might give you clues about the missing information or potential conflicts.

By understanding the concept of component qualifiers in software installations and following these steps, you can potentially address the reasons behind the ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT error and allow the installer to manage the components correctly.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 3, 2024
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