How to fix Win32 0x00000650 Error? ERROR_INVALID_FIELD – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x00000650 Error? ERROR_INVALID_FIELD – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x00000650 Error? ERROR_INVALID_FIELD

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 3, 2024

The error code you provided, 0x00000650, translates to ERROR_INVALID_FIELD. This error indicates that a program encountered an issue with a field (data element) it was trying to access or manipulate. Here’s a breakdown of the error and steps to address it:

Understanding Fields in Programs:

  • Software programs often work with data structures that consist of fields or attributes. These fields hold specific pieces of information.


  • The ERROR_INVALID_FIELD error occurs when the program encounters a problem with a field due to several reasons:

    • Non-existent Field: The program might be trying to access a field that doesn’t exist within the data structure it’s working with.
    • Incorrect Field Name: There might be a typo or error in the name used to reference the field, causing the program to look for a non-existent element.
    • Data Type Mismatch: In some cases, the program might be trying to use a field in a way that’s incompatible with its data type (e.g., trying to perform mathematical operations on a text field).
    • Corrupted Data: Damaged or corrupted data can lead to unexpected issues with fields, making them appear invalid.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Identify the Program:

    • The first step is to identify the program that encountered this error. You might find this information in error message logs or event viewer details (if available).
  2. Review Program Documentation:

    • Consult the program’s documentation or online resources to understand the structure of the data it uses. This documentation should specify the valid field names and data types.
  3. Check for Typos:

    • If you’re manually referencing a field name in code or a configuration file, double-check for any typos or mistakes in the field name being used.
  4. Verify Data Type:

    • Ensure you’re using the field in a way that aligns with its data type. For example, don’t try to perform calculations on a field meant to store text.
  5. Repair the Program (if applicable):

    • Some programs offer a “repair” option within their uninstallers. This can attempt to fix corrupted data files that might be causing issues with fields.
  6. Consider Data Source (if applicable):

    • If the program retrieves data from an external source (database, file), errors within that source data can also lead to invalid field errors. You might need to check the data integrity at the source.
  7. Software Vendor Support (if necessary):

    • If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the software vendor’s support for further guidance. They might be aware of specific field-related issues with their software.

Additional Tips:

  • Proper data validation can help prevent errors by ensuring data entered into fields adheres to the expected format and data type.
  • Regularly backing up your data can help you recover information in case corrupted data leads to issues with field access.

By understanding the concept of fields in software programs and the reasons behind the ERROR_INVALID_FIELD error, you can attempt to troubleshoot the issue based on the program involved and the context of the error. If you’re dealing with complex data structures or encountering errors in external data sources, consider seeking help from a programmer or IT professional for further assistance.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 3, 2024