How to fix Win32 0x000006E0 Error? RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS – Solved

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How to fix Win32 0x000006E0 Error? RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS – Solved

How to fix Win32 0x000006E0 Error? RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS

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Fixodes Selected answer as best May 19, 2024

Fixing Win32 Error 0x000006E0 (RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS)

The error code 0x000006E0 translates to RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS. This error message indicates that the RPC call failed because the client tried to create an entry (e.g., register an object) that already exists on the server.

Understanding Entry Creation in RPC:

  • In certain RPC scenarios, clients might have functionalities to create entries on the server. These entries could involve registering objects, registering interfaces, or creating other server-side entities.
  • The server typically maintains a registry or list of these entries to manage access and functionality.


There are a couple of reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Duplicate Registration Attempt: The client code might be attempting to register an object or interface that already exists on the server. This could happen due to code errors or race conditions.
  • Idempotence Issues (less common): In some cases, if the client-side code is not designed with idempotence in mind (guaranteeing an operation only happens once), repeated attempts to register an object might lead to this error.


  1. Review Client-Side Code:

    • Examine the part of your client code responsible for creating entries on the server (e.g., object registration). Look for logic errors that might cause duplicate registration attempts.
  2. Idempotence Implementation (if applicable):

    • If relevant to your scenario, consider implementing idempotence mechanisms in the client code to ensure registration attempts are only carried out once, even in case of retries.
  3. Server Administrator Communication (if possible):

    • If possible, communicate with the server administrator to check the server-side registry for the specific entry type you’re trying to create. This can help identify if the entry already exists.
  4. Software Vendor Support:

    • If the issue persists, consider contacting the software vendor’s support for the program or service. They might have insights into specific registration processes or troubleshooting steps for their software.

Additional Tips:

  • Some RPC development tools or libraries might offer functionalities to check for existing entries before attempting registration.
  • Debuggers or logging mechanisms can help capture details about the attempted entry creation and any error messages related to already existing entries.

By understanding the concept of entry creation in RPC and the reasons behind entry already exists errors, you can identify the cause of the duplicate registration attempt. Reviewing client-side code, implementing idempotence (if applicable), communicating with the server administrator (if possible), and contacting software vendor support can help address this error.

Fixodes Selected answer as best May 19, 2024